UK Contact Centre Verticals: Travel

Written for UK travel companies and those interested in understanding this sector, the report details the size, structure, technology, HR, benchmarking and strategy of this vertical market. Free to download. New for Q2 2024.

The Inner Circle Guide to AI-Enabled Agent Assistance

UK and US editions. Free to download. Published March 2024.

The Inner Circle Guide to Chatbots, Voicebots & Conversational AI

UK and US editions. Free to download. Published March 2024.

The 2023-24 US Customer Experience Decision-Makers’ Guide

CX performance, technology, investment and strategy, based on 187 interviews with US organizations and 1,000 US consumers. Includes NPS benchmarks, customers’ preferred communication channels, view on self-service vs live agent contact, and customer opinions on AI. Free to download. 

The 2023-24 UK Customer Experience Decision-Makers’ Guide

CX performance, technology, investment and strategy, based on over 200 interviews with UK organisations and 1,000 UK consumers. Includes NPS benchmarks, customers’ preferred communication channels, view on self-service vs live agent contact, and customer opinions on AI.  Free to download.

The 2023-24 Australian and New Zealand Contact Centre Decision-Makers’ Guide

Research study of the HR, operations, technology and CX in Australian and New Zealand contact centres. Based on surveys with 118 ANZ businesses and 2,000+ customers. Free to download. 

The Inner Circle Guide to Omnichannel (2023-24)

The definitive analyst report looking at the current reality of digital channels, customer channel preference vs usage, and the steps to be taken to move to an omnichannel environment. Includes: volume, growth and cost of digital channels compared to voice; chapters on email, web chat, SMS, social media, self-service, WebRTC and messaging. UK and US editions. Free to download. Updated July 2023.

Exceeding US Customer Expectations

New research based on 1,000 US customers – what they want when contacting an organization, what they actually get, and what they then do about it. The research also gives recommendations on solutions for businesses to meet – and exceed – customer expectations. Updated September 2024.

Exceeding UK Customer Expectations

New research based on 1,000 UK customers – what they want when contacting a business, what they actually get, and what they then do about it. The research also gives recommendations on solutions for businesses to meet – and exceed – customer expectations. Updated September 2024. 

UK Contact Centre Verticals: Manufacturing

Written for UK manufacturers and those interested in understanding this sector, the report details the size, structure, technology, HR, benchmarking and strategy of this vertical market. Free to download. Updated Q2 2024.

UK Contact Centre Verticals: Public Sector

Written for UK public sector organisations (local & central government, emergency services, etc.), and those interested in understanding this sector, the report details the size, structure, technology, HR, benchmarking and strategy of this vertical market. Free to download. Updated Q2 2024.

US Contact Center Verticals: Public Sector

Written for US local, state & federal government and 911 & non-emergency services, and those interested in understanding this sector, the report details the size, structure, technology, HR, benchmarking and strategy of this vertical market. Free to download. Updated Q2 2024.

The UK Contact Centre Decision-Makers’ Guide

The 21st annual edition of the UK’s largest study of contact centres, based on interviews with over 200 UK contact centres. The 450-page report gives you facts and hard data about every aspect of UK customer experience management, technology and strategy – with sections on remote working, AI & machine learning, customer personalisation, digital channels and agent engagement. Free to download.

The US Contact Center Decision-Makers’ Guide

The 16th annual edition of the US’s largest study of the contact center industry, based on interviews with over 200 US contact centers. The 400-page report gives you facts and hard data about every aspect of US customer experience management, technology and strategy – with sections on remote working, agent engagement & gamification, CX measurement & improvement, omnichannel, analytics, cloud and performance benchmarking metrics. Free to download.

The Inner Circle Guide to Remote & Hybrid Working Contact Centre Solutions

The definitive analyst study of how contact centres can succeed with a remote or hybrid working model. Includes data and recommendations on performance, quality, security and remote agent management. UK and US editions. Updated May 2024. Free to download. 

The Inner Circle Guide to Agent Engagement & Empowerment

A major independent analyst report, aimed at providing customer contact professionals with the latest analysis and data around how to increase agent engagement with their role and to empower them to do a better job. The report covers engagement & empowerment techniques, rewards and recognition, technology solutions (including gamification, workforce management, AI-enabled agent support and analytics) and looks at how KPIs such as attrition, speed to answer, first-contact resolution and cost per contact can be impacted . Updated December 2023. UK and US editions. Free to download. 

The Inner Circle Guide to Customer Interaction Analytics

A major independent analyst report, aimed at providing customer contact professionals with the latest analysis and data around current and future use of customer interaction analytics. The report covers historical & real-time speech analytics; text, predictive, screen, back-office, VoC and customer journey analytics. Also, the uses of analytics; how to implement successfully, current and planned use, and the future of analytics. Updated December 2023. UK and US editions. Free to download. 

The Inner Circle Guide to Next-Generation Customer Contact

The definitive analyst study of how upcoming technology can improve customer contact. Includes generative AI, VR/AR, video, messaging, intelligent virtual assistants and sentiment analysis.

The Inner Circle Guide to Customer Engagement & Personalisation

The definitive analyst study of how personalisation strategies and supporting technology can improve customer engagement. Free to download. 

US Contact Center Verticals: Outsourcing

Written for contact center outsourcers, and those interested in understanding this sector, the report details the size, structure, technology, HR, benchmarking and strategy of the US contact center outsourcing / telemarketing / contact center BPO vertical market. Free to download. Updated Q2 2024.